Hai..meet again..Salam Maulidur Rasul for all Muslim out there. Do nice, produce nice. It been a while i'm not write here..Huh..little bit busy with my asignment. Need to do best in my education.(make family proud) You guys too k. I just think to talk about "SHE". Blog is the place where we show our feeling.Even it is stupid.Heheheh.Well every boy in the world like/love women..except for those who are ????(you guy know la kan,nak buat cmna kan dh dia cm tu). Well it include me,i do like a girl...supposed to like someone(i guess). Some people will do anything to win their heart. Sometime stupid things.For me, i also do some stupid thing (maybe all was stupid) when i do/was in love. It heavy when it just me who really "DESPERATE" in trying to build the relationship there. But what can i do, i just can try and all i do for the past years is trying. Im not giving it up, but it just a bit tired. I keep trying for many.many.many year. And now i don't know anymore. It is better if i just keep on dreaming. Because through that...she mine.hahahah. Even i do many stupid things (believe me it is stupid) but i never regret even once. Maybe she is with someone but i believe He already leave Her. (karma). Or maybe they j

ust want to break up.Huh who care. And now, i dont think im going to that anymore. Even sometime i think She is my future but i believe she has stole it a long time ago when she just broke my dream many many year ago. I not mad. (kita xleh paksa kan)heheh..But i do belive she is good for me. But i know something "better than good" is in front of me now.Because another girl is bad for my head.hahah(kalo da duit ok gak.hahah) Well, hahaha feel stupid talking about this. Tak Macho la bro.Macam my mom always say (aiya..x macho la citer pasai awek kt mama,hahahha).Well i not really trust girl so easy now. Erm, sory to say this. Girl just happy when we are happy. Happy means money, money mean "Buy", buy mean shopping malls, shopping mall mean money.(huh, really ker??hahah) well not all of them, maybe just 15% kot. But it still low. It just im just seen before,hahah..well dah cukup kot aku mengarut nie..hahah..lepas ni tukaq topic la..Pasai bola ka.Neway Manchester United have a great change to keep the trophy at Old Trafford. Other team start to blow up their chance.(blow up k, not blow job..Hahahah)
"I'll kill her,
She stole my future, She broke my dreams,
I swear I'll kill her"