Tuesday, August 26, 2008

continue of What to do next??


in just 45 second after i wrote the previous post!!!!!! Well it succedd, i manage to close all the internet explorer. Then go and open the drive "D" folder............................but i fail to open the SMM810 folder and do my thesis.What i do??????

i watch movie...that exactly what i do!!!!!!!!

Warning: Do not follow this activity wrote by the author.


Ezzeline said...

kesiannye ntorn...
so mcm mane thesis..
dah bley siapkan..?

BusBy Babe said...

nanti bila org dh jd VC uitm..
org lupuskan thesis..hahah

adlinmohdsaid said...

haha!best2!doa2 anton jd VC..lalala!=p