Friday, November 7, 2008

Thing That I Really Hate

There are so many behaviour that i hate about people. We can say i hate people who are "Belagak", "Cakap Besar", "Kedekut" dan byk lagi. Few of them we still can handle even we are facing it everyday. For me, i believe that i also have some bad attitutes than annoying. Everyone just like that. We are human. I still can manage some of this attitute and behaviour of people but sometime I Hate People Who Are "Memandang rendah org lain". I always see this thing happen among our community. I dunno why. It just sad. For me, even we are so GOOD and BAGUS, we have no right to say such a bad things about other people. Who are we to jugde other people. Yes they only have SPM and failed to get into university and have a better education. Yes they dun have nice car, big house and money to spend every Sunday buying nice clothes, Levi's, eat Mcd everyday, buy DVD. We have no right to desroy other self respect and pride.Word such "Bodoh"."Bangang","Kau 2 apa ada", always come out. For me, even this thing never happen to me but it still hurting when I saw it happen. It just a shame.
"Terima Kasih" also become very difficult to hear nowaday. Susah sgt kew????Some people think that we should be like that,jgn jadi baik sgt sb org lain pun cm 2 gak. Org lain pun suka kutuk org. Yes there. If we still be like that, kutuk org sb org lain pun cam 2, there are nothing different between us and them.
p/s: I dun say that i am a nice person and there only few people out there who have this attitute compare to a huge amount of good people.


renung dan tenung said...

u are nice man.... it's true

Anonymous said...

u noe wat...when i was in secondary school..i really hate people like what u mention just..but now,i become more matured and i just ignore them...

"biarkan mereka terjun dengan labu-labunya"..