Damn hurt lor bila Mu main elok2 then x menang. They have a good football display in the world. But sometime things turn at a wrong side. With the good player they have, I still believe they can retain their title this season. Heheheh..With Cristiano Ronaldo already score 38 gol(yet to come) he will become best FIFA player this season.NO DOUBT!!!!!!!!Not only him, the rest of the team play a good football. Rooney, Tevey, Carrick etc..will make sure they will win this season. Glory2 MU u never walk alone only LOOSERFOOL will alway walk alone.hahaha..Gua panas je bila dgr LOOSERFOOL..hahaha. I do a big fan of MU, since i was 10.H

uh. Never change my mind like GIGGSY.hehehe..we are partner.hihi..Hope they will keep paly a good football and score fantastic goal..If not...it is Heart attact for me.hahaha..the best team eva..
Edwin Van Der Sar,Nemanja Viduc, Rio Ferdinand, Gary Neville, Wes Brown,John O'shea, Patrick Evra, RYAN GIGGS,Cristiano Ronaldo, Nani, Ji Sung Park, Carrick, Paul Scholes, Anderson, Fletcher, Owen Hargreaves, Saha, Wayne Rooney, Tevez, OLE....and all the MU legends and their former...:). Just watchout the next 5 games before the end of the season. Mu vs Arsenal, Blackburn vs Mu, Chealsea vs MU, MU vs West Ham and Wigan vs MU. Tough uh..but stay positive and it will be ok.Hehehe.If not kalah je.haha.
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